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Media Center

The VCA Media Center is open 7:45am-3:00pm daily. Mrs. Register, the Media Specialist, meets with classes weekly to teach valuable media skills as well as to help students choose appropriate books and reading materials that correlate with their STAR reading levels. 

Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader Book Find

Accelerated Reader is a reading incentive program that puts students in the drivers seat. Students are guided and encouraged to read books on their ZPD level, while engaging quizzes hone students' reading skills with authentic practice that encourages reading growth. 

Students and teachers set goals for each nine weeks. Class goals are rewarded and celebrated in the child's classroom quarterly.



Search for resources while away from campus with the Destiny Catlaog System.

Follow these simple instructions on how to use Destiny:

  • Click on the Destiny link.

  • Click on VCA Media Center.

  • Click on catalog to initiate a book search. At this point you can search for book by title, author or ISBN number.

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